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Naked and Afraid, Vow of Poverty

A vow of poverty can be interpreted many ways. Simply to prove love devotion towards God. Some feel it gives protection from the distracting temptation of material goods and the tenacious behavior it takes to acquire property.

When I contemplate this devotional aspect of religion I am struck with the fact that artists must also give a vow of poverty. The trope of the, "starving artist", has always given me an annoyed feeling. I intentionally neglect the necessary work it takes to stay fed. I certainly never wanted to be thrown into a category with a pathetic handle such as that attached to it.

I realize now that there certainly was a "vow of poverty" involved in my career. I did my due diligence of attending college developing my skills. Then I entered the working world with the pure and honest faith that no matter what comes my way I will be making art. I accepted the terms, no promise of success.

I was comfortable with very little and this left the pathway to creative work open. The farther I made it down that path, the more and more support has emerged. I am grateful for the energy that I receive back from my work. I love the support and wealth which I create with my work. The important part is that I have been willing to do my work without being handsomely rewarded and that is where the power comes from.

The purest work comes from that place unattached to the burdens of the "necessary". I work ten times as hard in order to create the opportunity to work unburderdend a free. Those important moments when the soul comes through. 9/10th of my energy goes towards supporting my family and tamping down the space in order to maintain my art as my primary force of income. That last sliver of 1% percent of energy is essential to my creativity. It is there that I can access the absolute soulful work that makes it all worth my while.

For me art has not been a choice. I have been lucky that I "needed" it enough to give it my full devotion.

The most important part is that, "vow of poverty", when you know you are "all in" and start out on the path naked and afraid, but being able to develop the courage and keep stepping forward to make your way.

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